Hearing Loss In Infants

A 5 year old boy is unable to hear. The sounds around him see like they do not exist. The boy took part in many tests already that looked into his hearing.

Doctors were able to notice that the boy could not hear. One faculty from the Communicative Disorders at the University Of Wisconsin School Of Medicine is looking into many other ways of confirming the condition of other kids like the boy. When one is said to have something that he does not much time, effort and money goes to waste hoping fix a problem that is not there.

In testing children, the doctors will look at how they react when sounds are fed to them. In this case, brain waves are examined when the sound is given.

The sounds are fed to the child are given through earphones. A computer is the one who analyzes the end result of the brain wave activity.

The purpose of the EEG is so that the brainwave will be amplified and then represented through a graph. What the computer is there for is that it will get the average response of the brain relative to the number of sounds. Even the slightest response will be measured in this process.

For the professor there is much hope in the research he is conducting in finding other ways of testing children that have hearing conditions. He is also working with University of Wisconsin personnel interested in speech and hearing and pediatrics.

It is the top priority of the doctors to test children early one so that there is more time to correct and remedy their speech. Some of their testing will involve infants. There is a good chance that babies will not have the electric brain response tests so hearing will be tested.

Even the detection of hearing loss in a child that is one day old, will give him more chances of learning language normally. With hearing, it follows that you can also talk but with one sense, the other will not function. Much effort will be put into finding out more about the process of hearing in infants and children.

At the same time the causes of hearing problems in children are also looked in to seeing what really causes it. They have to look at children with normal responses to sound and use these results to evaluate the hearing ability of handicapped children. The test will be done to grown ups first and then later one done to children who are prone to losing their hearing.

The initial response of the person or within the first 1 to 20 of a second when the sound is heard is what these professors want to find out. At the same time the study will determine the threshold of babies when it comes to sound and the many levels it has.

Visit hearing aids to learn more about Hearing. To keep learning about Hearing be sure to check out audiology.